Next Generation Firewall and WAN Edge Security

We deliver broad, truly integrated, high-performance security across your IT infrastructure through our multi-function Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)/UTM Gateway solutions. Our holistic approach to cybersecurity allows the deployment of security solutions for network, endpoint, application, data center, cloud, and access such that they work together as an integrated and collaborative security platform. The platform is engineered to unify and automate multi-layered response to threats in addition to delivering superior next-generation firewall (NGFW) capabilities which include the following:

When deployed at your branch offices, there is no need to use dedicated routers as the solution goes far beyond routing functionalities to offer NGFW security capabilities as well as provide Secure SD-WAN for traffic shaping, application prioritization for business-critical applications and cost-savings from effective bandwidth utilization. Users at the branches can be allowed to access internet directly to optimize bandwidth but still have the same level of visibility and control as those in the central office.

The solution eliminates the need to purchase numerous devices to achieve your networking and security needs. It easily scales with the growth in your organization’s infrastructure requirements and also allows for open integrations with third-party security solutions (via industry standard API’s).

Have Any Questions? Call Us Today!

+234 (01) 4532670


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